Ortensia Ideswif

Age: Late 20s
Race: Hyur / Midlander
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2" / 157cm
Orientation: Heterosexual
Nameday: 1st Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Guardian: Azeyma, the Warden
City-state: Gridania


artwork by suamachi

artwork by mmozuuu

ABOUT -「 Traits, Mannerisms, Extra 」

  • Is a bit of a goodie-goodie.

  • Over prepares for journeys and always arrives early to any planned engagements.

  • Enjoys sweets and other baked goods. Seemingly has an unending bread pocket tucked away in her sleeve.

  • She doesn't wear much jewelry but likes earrings. Receiving them as a gift is an easy way to make her smile.

  • Despite her small frame and pale appearance, she has a strong constitution and impressive stamina.

  • Her favorite flowers are hydrangeas and lilies of the valley.

  • She has a nervous habit of touching or playing with her hair.

  • Wears glasses to read or when doing small detailed work.

  • Often gets roped into working at seasonal events due to her family's connections and her part-time job as a cafe hostess.

  • Has a small fanclub of young male field hands at her family's farm.

  • There is a twinge of something darker lurking underneath.

ABOUT -「 Family 」

  • Has five siblings and is the second oldest daughter.

  • Her two older brothers and their families live on her parents' farmland where they work, whereas her older sister is employed by the Twin Adders, while her younger sister and brother are attending school.

  • Her younger brother admires her a lot and wants to study to become a white mage.

  • Sends gil back home often and is always looking for ways to provide for her family.

  • Her father is a Highlander refugee from Ala Mhigo who was displaced to Ul'dah where he worked as a manual laborer.

  • Her mother is a Midlander with family connections stretching generations and is a member of Sunsilk Tapestries.

  • They inherited her mother's family farm when they were wedded and work solely on maintaining the farm now.

  • Appearance-wise she takes after her mother, while her older siblings resemble their dad and the younger are a mix of both.


Hovering over each thumbnail will give you the artist's name. The list of artists can be found at the bottom of the page with links to their social media or website. Please feel free to send me a DM on Twitter (@ort_ffxiv) if you have any trouble.

artist list (not in order):
roarke | suamachi | kagubun | meopen429 | mmozuuu | aynkau | cheswida | kotohatoko510 | ponkotushari | lapithai | 10off10 | art_Tajimamo | satotmt | 756zl | yuyuzu11 | YureiChanXXX | t_fujigame | junx0117 | figmnts | mooosikasite | ChihoIshi | skebizchi | b612virginia | m_fancys | kokoharuka | yntpnt | koma_106 | tunako | tetoraUU | RPuim1 | mochigushi | komama0u0 | bibim_FF14 | meg_mumu | ljjjllljjjl | kayoluhataso | Tobiikii | herahemO | mmocc123 moro_244 | ksksk_sss | axx | DLHL0219






Bigger events with lots of screenshots have been sorted into their own gallery, while smaller events have been labeled and posted below.

FANIMEXIV - hosted by bloom cafe


「 LUNARCON 2021 」

A really fun experience!

== 「 OOC 」==

Hello! My name is Nicki.Disgruntled millennial who plays too many video games.Thanks for viewing my carrd!Site is not optimized for mobile.

OOC Links

== 「 ENDWALKER 」==